
    product product

    Pearl barley cereals

    900 g
    50 kg

    Pearl barley (commonly called ” perlovka “) is a real storehouse of nutrients. It contains almost all B vitamins, iron, copper, calcium, phosphorus and one of the most important components involved in the synthesis of collagen in the body – lysine.

    Pearl barley groats by EKOR are smooth grains of white or slightly yellowish color, oblong or round in shape, which are obtained by grinding and polishing whole, selected barley grains. To make pearl barley even easier to prepare, barley grains are pre-cleaned of impurities, hulled to remove the flower hulls, subjected to hydrothermal and drying processes, crushed to kernels, ground and polished. From here pearl barley is sorted by grain size, cleaned once again, and then transferred for packaging, storage, and sale to retail outlets where you can buy it.

    Calorie content
    9.3 g
    16 g
    Food fibers
    1.1 g
    73.7 g
    The benefits of pearl barley

    "What are the benefits of perlovka?" is the first question that comes to mind when we take it off the shelf. First of all, the calorie content of barley allows you to quickly saturate the body, give strength and endurance.

    The whole grain contains an excellent complex of substances that stimulate energy and protein metabolism, help accelerate the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle fibers, which is especially useful for athletes.

    Moreover, pearl barley contains a lot of phosphorus and other trace elements, which are essential for normal metabolism and proper brain function.

    Value PFC (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) per 100g
    % from DN
    9.3 g
    5.64 %
    1.1 g
    1.83 %
    73.7 g
    29.48 %
    Food fibers
    16 g
    80 %
    Calorie content
    324 calories
    10.8 %
    How to cook

    Barley groats from the EKOR trademark are a 100% natural Ukrainian product, a source of lysine, phosphorus and other nutrients.

    Find out how to cook barley and barley recipes in the "Recipes" section or follow the link.

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